In the past 365 days, we’ve had 29,197 visitors listen to our online audio stream a total of 329,840 times. It costs $270 per month to run the online audio stream, that’s $3240 per year. If we were charging you to listen online, it’d be 11¢ per year. Do you think you could spare that? Give us $1.10 and you’d be covering 9 other people. Give us $11 and you’re covering the cost of 99 other people. Give us a one-time $33 donation and you are paying for 299 other people. Need I keep going? Don’t you appreciate being able to listen online? Think about it, 11¢.
The Climate has Changed Before
News alert: Mister Rogers endorsed world citizen creates important
graphical display to improve our understanding of Earth's average
temperature timeline i...
6 years ago
1 comment:
Hi, my boyfriend and I stream you guys everyday in our offices! We've turned Grand Rapids into an annual fishing trip and will both be contributing to KAXE this year. On our next trip, we would love, Love, LOVE to guest DJ for an hour! Would that be possible? Let us know - Thanks and see you guys in a few months!
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