Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Calling All Phone Answerers

KAXE's summer fundraiser begins on Saturday, May 30. Our theme is "Staying Afloat," and we'll be preparing for a Mississppi River trip in the coming days.

There are plenty of opportunities for you to be involved. Of course, you can pledge your support to KAXE if it's your time of the year to renew, or if you've never pledged before. You can also help out by spending a few hours at the studio to answer phones and take pledges.

We need people the most on weekday mornings (that would be June 1-5), starting at 6:30 and going until about 8. We also have shifts to fill over the weekend (May 30-31), especially during Green Cheese on Saturday night. Cheesers love to pledge!

If you can help, please let Jennifer Poenix know soon. You can call 326-1234 or e-mail jennifer@kaxe.org.

It's really tons of fun (and you might even get to hit the gong!!)

Thank you!

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