Tuesday, January 20, 2009

DJ's Chicken Lime Soup

From DJ the DJ....

Saw this on Emeril one night and the lime bit got my attention cuz I love limeade, and those lime nacho chips and wedges in my Corona and in my Coke.......mmmmmmlimes....

Anyway it was just called chicken lime soup and its So Am/Caribbean recipe:

vegetable oil
1 lb cubed chicken breast
1/2 t salt
pepper to taste
1 onion chopped
2 cans chicken broth or make your own
1 or 2 tomatoes chopped
2 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
lime slices
cubed avicado

heat oil and add chicken. add salt, pepper, cumin. stir fry till chicken is done. add chopped onion and tomatoes and cook till tender. add chicken broth and lime juice.

dust with cilantro at the end. pour into a bowl and add cube avocado and garnish with lime slice. says four servings but its really two cuz its so good you want more. Emeril also fried some tortillas in some oil till crisp and then used them like crackers with the soup it was really good and added a nice touch.

and, most importantly, DO NOT OVERCOOK!
Bon Appetite

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